Impact Leadership

Today’s leaders create your people’s tomorrow.

To respond to the enormity of the change at hand, your leaders need to work, develop and lead in ways that reflect the future they are creating.

We are design and delivery masters of experiential leadership programs that drive collective performance, leverage diversity, spark innovation and provoke personal transformation.

Where the magic happens.

At every level, our leadership programs focus on developing capability and inspiring impact through:

Hyper self-awareness

Grounded in values,
purpose and impact.

Compassionate action

Delivering strategic innovation, belonging and collective action.

beyond profit


The future is collective.

The ability to tap into collective intelligence, hold multiple perspectives and open conversations to unexplored possibilities, is what sets future-fit leaders apart.

Designed for those senior executives, Collective Leadership builds the group’s capabilities to understand and influence system dynamics, build resilience, and lead teams to leverage their collective capabilities and deliver the future, together.

Leaders will cultivate hyper self-awareness and a deeper appreciation for their strengths, reactive tendencies and contribution to the collective dynamic. They will build resiliency to drive individual and collective transformation by creating more powerful learning experiences for their people.

An experiential learning program, executives receive insights through strengths profiling, Leadership 360 feedback, coaching, curated learning opportunities and experiential collective development interventions.

Peta has helped me make sense of the systems and dynamics at play in the organisation and beyond. Through her unique and provocative coaching, she has pushed me to think through challenges, hold multiple perspectives and realise possibilities I wouldn’t have otherwise considered.

Impact Leadership for Emerging Leaders

Developing leaders for an unknown future.

It’s time to invest in developing a generation of leaders who embody the future you are creating.

Designed for next generation of leaders, we bring together cross-functional talent to learn from each other, ask powerful questions and open themselves to unexplored possibilities.

Experiential in nature, Impact Leadership for Emerging Leaders will upskill your people in strategic capabilities including questioning techniques, deep listening, pattern making and experimentation, to create greater cross-functional interconnectivity and support a culture of psychological safety.

Emerging Leaders is delivered via one-to-one and group coaching, skills practice, independent content reviews and virtual/in-person workshops.

Purpose Driven Leadership

Your ability to create positive impact - beyond profit - relies on a different kind of leadership.

Creating a sustainable future requires leaders to build the dexterity to hold both profit and purpose in equal measure.

Purposeful Driven Leadership has been developed to support leaders working in for purpose and for-profit organisations to work, develop and lead in ways that reflect the more inclusive, equitable and regenerative future they are creating.

An experiential program Purpose Driven Leadership brings together leaders from across B Corps to surface new thinking, learn from and support each other, and build the dexterity to scale commercial results and positive impact, under pressure.

CEO & Executive Coaching

What legacy are you building for your people, your community and yourself?

With our brand of radical, compassionate (Karuna) candour, we work with CEOs and executives to challenge outdated concepts of people, culture and leadership.

Our goal is to support your transformation strategy become an enduring reality with one-on-one leadership coaching from one of Australia’s most highly regarded C-Level Coaches and People Innovators, Peta Karunaratne.

Over a series of customised coaching sessions, we support you to embrace your unique leadership talents, define personal purpose whilst provoking you with new perspectives to inspire lasting, positive impact.

Peta is incredibly passionate about helping people be the best they can be and isn’t afraid to ask the difficult questions to get them there.

CEO – Financial Services, Canada